Coffee and Health: 4 Benefits of Coffee on the Body

Coffee and Health: 4 Benefits of Coffee on the Body


Coffee, in addition to being good and essential to face the day with a smile, offers many benefits for health and physical and cerebral well-being, as demonstrated by many scientific studies.


Coffee can be considered a true ally of well-being 👇🏼

  • It represents the largest source of antioxidants (vitamins A, C and E) in the Western diet ☕️
  • According to a study by researchers at the University of Scranton , Pennsylvania, coffee drinkers get more antioxidants from this beverage than from the fruits and vegetables they consume daily. It is important to note, however, that the potential beneficial effects of antioxidants depend, in general, on how they are absorbed and used in the body, which is still being studied;

  • Drinking regularly reduces the risk of death in general and associated with various diseases ☕️
  • Researchers at Southern Medical University in China analyzed data from the large British database UK Biobank on over 171,000 people with an average age of 55 and no history of cardiovascular disease or cancer, followed between 2009 and 2018.

    All participants answered questions about their eating habits or lifestyle (smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, etc.) and during this observation period, over 3,100 deaths occurred, approximately 1,700 of which were due to cancer and 600 to cardiovascular disease.

    Interestingly, consumption of any amount of bitter coffee was associated with a protective effect against death from any cause, and the same effect was also seen for those who drank between 1.5 and 3.5 cups of sugary coffee per day.

    This study was published inthe Annals of Internal Medicine and over the years has been accompanied by other very similar studies which have also found (mostly) a positive sign.

  • Moderate coffee consumption plays a protective role against Parkinson's ☕️
  • Sapienza University of Rome participated in a recent study coordinated by Giovanni Defazio of the University of Cagliari, one of the Italian pioneers of this type of research.

    Work published in Parkinson's & Related Disorders , according to the experts of the Italian Society of Neurology, previous moderate consumption of coffee will delay the age of onset of Parkinson's, leading in any case to a less serious pathology.

    Many studies have already been published on this topic which, in fact, have confirmed that coffee can not only prevent the disease but can also delay its onset and, probably, also push for a slower evolution of the motor symptoms;

  • Improves energy levels and stimulates some brain functions ☕️
  • Research conducted by the School of Medicine of the University of Minho (Portugal), promoted by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) and published in Molecular Psychiatry has stated that greater attention, alertness and concentration are the benefits that regular coffee consumers can benefit from.

    The study was carried out on the interaction between different areas of the brain in relation to the moderate, but constant, consumption of the drink and highlighted the beneficial role of coffee including a greater efficiency of connection in some areas of the brain, better control of movement, memory and learning ability as well as greater alertness and concentration.

    It was also very interesting to discover that the same effects were also recorded in non-habitual drinkers after consuming a cup of coffee.

    We can therefore say that science confirms that coffee should be considered a brain food that is more precious and useful than ever in our eating habits.

    A good reason for us who can't do without this drink and have the right alibi to continue enjoying it at the best moments of the day 😂 but consistently and without overdoing it, please!

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