What are the differences between coffee and tea drinkers?
We decided to conclude this month with another blog post dedicated, in part, to the concept of personality ( if you missed the previous one, click here ).
How many differences are there between those who drink coffee and those who drink tea? ☕️ 🍵
It must be said that there are also those who can appreciate the taste of both of these two drinks, but in most cases each of us prefers to drink mainly one or the other, also a result of the culture of the country in which people live or come from.
In fact, in many countries, coffee is associated with moments of frenetic life.
In American movies , for example, we always see images of people walking hastily with a take-away coffee in their hand; as well as in Italian bars where people drink their espresso in one gulp and then immediately return to work.
This, however, is not possible in Austria : here, having a coffee means sitting at a table and slowly enjoying a wonderful espresso, perhaps reading a newspaper or chatting with friends.
Thanks to the Elite Daily list , we want to bring you some very funny quotes about the difference between those who prefer a good coffee and those who prefer a cup of tea:
☕️ tea drinkers take a break; coffee drinkers need a break;
🍵 Tea drinkers emphasize the ritual; coffee drinkers multiply it infinitely;
☕️ tea drinkers place a lot of importance on location; coffee drinkers place a lot of importance on the speed with which they can get it;
🍵 tea drinkers relax; coffee drinkers get active;
☕️ tea drinkers are imaginative and romantic; coffee drinkers are passionate and efficient;
From this list, we can deduce that the #teaaddicted team is made up of thoughtful, imaginative and calm people.
Lovers of very calm ways, they linger and enjoy everything around them. 💆🏼
The #coffeeaddicted team , on the other hand, are frenetic, confident, lively people looking for a break from their busy, but also anxious lives 😂
And what team are you on? Do you like to drink your tea calmly or can't you do without your coffee even if you drink it in one gulp?
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