Should you drink water before or after coffee?

Should you drink water before or after coffee?

How many times have we entered a bar and been served, in addition to coffee, also a glass of water ? ☕

It happens in every part of Italy and it is a tradition.

There are those who drink it before to clean their mouth and there are those who drink it after to remove the bitterness of the coffee, but the real question is: do you drink water before or after? 🤔

Read on for expert advice…🕵️‍♂️


Experts in the field have decided to give an answer to this question and remove any doubts about why some people drink water before coffee and some after.

The real problem, in reality, is understanding what type of coffee you are about to drink between the classic espresso from the bar and a cup of a top-quality tasting product ☕

Generally speaking, however, the glass of water can serve to clean the mouth before enjoying the coffee so as to eliminate any type of food residue or other. This is essential and allows the palate to taste and welcome the true aroma that will remain persistent during the following hours.

It must be said, however, that when water is drunk after coffee it is because the product is not of good quality. From the moment you feel the need to no longer taste it, the body makes a clear request for immediate fresh water.

Alas, if you fall into this category I think you really need to change the bar or the mix you have prepared up to now: take a look at our site to fix the problem! 😏

In fact, a good coffee increases salivation and leaves the mouth hydrated thanks to the substances it contains.

In conclusion, it could be said that there is no right or wrong method , but only a very specific requirement to follow based on the type of coffee we are drinking.

Did you know? 😋

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